Sunday, June 28, 2009


Almost every year, my husband and I go to the coast. When the children were young, the whole family would go. Atlantic Beach, NC is one of the beaches we have gone to the most. Why? Well, my husband has a meeting in Atlantic Beach every June. There is something so soothing about the sounds of the waves. The picture on the right is the fabric post card I created form the actual photo that is on the left. Would love to know what you think.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Walking through the woods is one of my favorite stress relievers. Along the Blue Ridge Parkway are numerous trails and paths. One of my favorites is the Linville Falls Trail and the Linville Groge Trail at Mile Post 316. You get a beautiful view the of Linville Falls and the Gorge area. The post card art quilt in the top right reminds me of that trail and any similar trails in the forest. The photo on the left is a picture of the falls from the upper trail. Bottom right is a picture of the trail.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Had a Bad Day Fish Quiltd Magnet

Maybe this has something to do with traveling and maybe it doesn't. Could be a bad fishing trip or could be you got stuck in traffic on the way to the beach. Use your imagination.